Sunday, September 2, 2012

Bauer James Burton

These are my goggles!
Hi, My name is Bauer James Burton, I was born on August 9, 2012 @ 11:09 pm. I was 21 inch long and 7.13lbs. I have spent the last 3 weeks being cute mostly, but I like to Poop and pee on Mommy, and I love tummy time with Daddy. I got jaundice just a day after being born, so I had to spend a lot of time in the Bilicase (picture Below). Grandma and Grandpa Labrum, and Aunt Kayla and Uncle Dallan came and visited me while I had to spend lots of time in the case. I was such a good boy mamma said.

This was my bed for the first 4 days of being home.
Grandma Lynda came and stayed with me for a few days and had a lot of fun! She sings me fun songs, snuggles me, gives me lots of kisses. Aunt Shelbi and Uncle Bryant came to celebrate ME, and to spend time with the family. Aunt Shelbi took my new born pictures. They are so cute, check them out below. I was blessed on Sunday August 26 th. I was able to meet a lot of my family, and new friends. I have been waking up once a night for some dinners, and I usually sleep till around 7 am. Mommy likes that I sleep good through the night.
This is my new family and friends on my Blessing day.

I love making silly goose faces! I am the cutest thing,
says mommy & daddy, Oh and everyone I meet.

I just spent the last week with Grandma & Grandpa Burton. I had so much fun being held, It was fun to leave the house a lot. We went to Buy Buy baby, a yummy Mexican Restaurant, I saw my first movie Bourne Legacy Mommy & Daddy love those movies. I slept the whole movie. Mommy got the Diaper bag she really wanted! My first 3 weeks have been really fun and full of new things.
This is me trying to get on my knees, oh and see the
blue and yellow line that means i peed my diaper,
that happends A LOT.
Just days of being home. I grow fast! Momma Calls these my stunna Shades.
Snuggling with Grandma Burton.
My Daddy Loves me so much! He and I snuggle and talk lots! 
Just got my diaper changed.
This picture is me sleeping while getting my pictures taken. 

This one is for my Daddy. I love Football to. I watched my
first USC game last night Sept. 1st.
Just sporting my New Nikes!
Oh boy! so sleepy, getting my new born pictures.
Just stretching out

Monday, August 6, 2012

5 days & counting

There are 5 days till Bauer's due date of August 11th 2012. I am so excited, scared, nervous and a mix of cheese fries and frozen yogurt. 

I have started to like food again so I guess that's good, I am going to have to be super careful to not gain all the weight I thought I would during pregnancy, post pregnancy. I have already got me a personal training! :) Thanks babe! <3 I have asked Kev to help me get in to shape. I feel I might have a better bod then when I started. Will see. :) 

Well as you can see I am just all over the place. I really am excited to be a mother, and to see Kevin be an amazing father. I am just scared for the unknown of giving birth. so I say lets get that out of the way and start having real fun! :) 

Last night I experienced a lot of cramping, but nothing I felt needed a timer. I guess i really don't know what needs one and what doesn't. But i tell ya it didn't feel great. :)But from what I hear it hurts and then it doesn't. I really want to deliver naturally and will do what it takes to do so. 

Hmmm... maybe ill stop with my ramblings and start on some laundry. I am so great full for my husband and the lord for allowing me to be a stay at home mom. At least for now. 

We owe it all the to the lord.

<3 KMB 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Well 90% effaced and 2 cm

So we had our dr appointment yesterday and well I'm 90% effaced and 2 cm dilated. I would love to have him this week that would just fabulous. I tried to walk to the car and nearly lost all my breath then we got to the store and I was ok in the cool but walking to the car and to the house I thought I was going to faint. Lol

Kevy is at work today but then has the next 3 days off sweet!!! That hasn't happened the whole time he has been employed at pep boys.

I don't really have much to write about today but I hope that I can get labor started today or tomorrow some how.

Till the next update- the Burton's

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Days are slowing down.. Dragging

Well there is now 10 days till baby gets here or at least 10 days I'm willing to wait. It's like a really messed up Christmas you know the best presents are coming but you don't know when, you just know soon. What the heck! Lol. Bauer will find out that his mama likes to be the surpriser... :D he is for sure moving lots and keeps me assured he is there which is a great comfort! We have a Doctors appointment tomorrow where dr Donna Bennett will let us know I'd anything has changed, or progressed. I have had a few times I loss my breath but that's it, nothing killer like very one says will happen. I guess I should be thankful!! I would love to have this silly goose ASAP so I can get feeling good for all the fun family stuff. Well that's today's update, wait wait I don't wanna leave big daddy out, he is working hard as heck and being so sexy doing it! I am beyond blessed to 1 be married to a man like him, 2 to have a sweet baby with him, 3 to have a home with him. Thanks lover. 💋

Monday, July 30, 2012

Tbb is playing games with his momma head

Well we are now 1 week and 5 days from baby Burton's due date. I have been going to the doctor once a week for the past 3 weeks. My first weekly appointment the doctor checked me, and gave us some great news... I was 80% effaced and 1 cm. the next visit I was still measuring 80% but was a + 1 and -3 station. Now I had no idea what any of that meant, so I came home and looking in my handy dandy play by play book. Well the -3 explains the intense crotch pain.

It's been so fun preparing to be a mother. It's crazy what all has changed in the little less than a year Kevin and I have been married. I like my quite in the car, I used to always want music and want it load, I am super paranoid about other drivers. I never noticed really how careless some people are. Texting while driving you should be treated like a drunk driver (that's my feelings) see my friends having babies is making this more real for me. I just have a hard time thinking he will be so small.

Bauer, mommy and daddy are ready for you to bless there lives. The lord has a plan and we couldn't be happier to be a part of such a great part of it. The nervousness has subsided for the most part, now I just want to hold him, look in his baby eyes and know that I have done 1 of 2 things right! Marring Kevin was the 1st and being blessed to have Bauer come to us is the 2nd. Thanks God for seeing what I couldn't.

Well that's our update for today, I wish I was a better writer so I could keep this better updated but I'm good at other things ;)

Love to All!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

2 months all in One post!

Well Its exactly 6 weeks and 6 days till Bauer's due date. August 11, 2012. We are getting so excited. We have the crib up the clothes washed, folded and put away. We have yet to buy a single box of diapers and from what I hear that makes us weird. So I guess its diapers and a car seat that we will be getting with in the next 6 weeks. 

Kevin is still working, and going to school. We decided that he would try online classes for the summer. I can't say that was a good idea. :) but you live and learn! Next semester will be interesting to say the least. A new baby+school+ work= distracted Big daddy! I hope that we can keep him some what focused on school (lets cross our finger's). He is doing SO well at his job, He is already been offered a promotion, and pay raise and expecting another around the time of the baby. He IS A.M.A.Z.I.N.G & all MINE Kevin has been such an amazing husband through this fun and crazy process they call pregnancy. I was sick the first 15 weeks or so, then I started feeling better and decided I wanted to work, then I started getting really anxious and I hated that feeling. I just feel like so many ends are left undone. But Kev and I have found that whatever is done will be and whats not who cares... (I'll keep telling myself that)

As for me, I have been feeling a little of this and that, I am assuming its just my good'ol body getting ready for the big day. Bauer moves non stop. Sometimes he punches me in spots I would rather never be punched! <3 To feel him inside me is such a miracle becoming a mother has been so much more than I ever imagined it to be and he's not even here yet. My love is growing for both Bauer and Kevin in ways I could of only dreamed of. I thank god for answered prayers. Both of these boys in my life and coming in my life were absolutely made just for me.

Ill put some pictures up of the crib and what not. The Nursery itself isn't ready yet but when it is I will post pictures asap!

Loves N hugs The Burton's